Does someone in your life ever say something that leaves you feeling more confused than when you started? This defines my like with M. He is always saying or song something that he thinks is super funny. The rest of us might not see the humor in it but he does. For example, last night he was in the tub, I told him to lay down so I could wash his hair (yes he's 6 years old and I still wash his hair. If left to him it would never happen). He carefully laid down so he wouldn't get water on his face, but must have been watching himself 'below the belt' and says hey look what's sticking out girls! I died. Right there and then. Done. Dead. This is my little baby. Where he got that CLUE! But he thought it was great!
Earlier this week he was snuggled up for what he calls a chair snuggle as we watched the Blue Jays game. There's a paint commercial that's always on during the games, it opens up with a women laying on her side on the ground using a thigh master and a couple sitting on the couch watching her. The wife looks at the husband and says we need to get this room out of 1991. So we're watching the game, and on comes this commercial. M looks up at me as serious as anything and says 'can you please get me one of those?' I asked a thigh master? Without missing a beat he says 'yes, can you please get me one of those?' What 6 year old wants a thigh master?
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Sh*t my kid says!
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Happy Birthday!
As mentioned in my last post, M had a birthday party. It was a really fun afternoon. He only wanted 4 friends, which was perfect. It was 3 hours, which was just a little too long for him. He was ready to be done after 2 hours, which is very typical for him. He's never been able to handle too much stimulation. This was actually his first friends birthday party for this exact reason. I told M that he could put the balloons any where he wanted and just to let me know if he needed any help. He did a fantastic job! We planned what games he wanted to play, after all these are his friends and he knows them better then I do. He decided on statues, musical chairs (which we used pieces of construction paper), duck, duck goose, twister and playing with the overhead projector. I thought the kids would enjoy decorating cupcakes more than a cake, which also took up time ;) He wanted to have hot dogs and ketchup chips, mama added a fruit try and water to that healthy line up. While I was cooking hot dogs (because remember I was single parenting it) I gave them foam stickers and markers to decorate their treat bags. They all did a great job.
M had fun despite being done. If you ever want to have a relaxing kid party, let them plan it!
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Sunday Funday
Gosh does this ever have a different meaning when you're an adult! I spent the majority of my Sunday working on a school project, planning for the upcoming week at work, meal planning, making my weekly lists, and paying bills. Oh and did I mention...parenting! Would you believe this was my restful day of the week!
M turned 6 on April 1. My plan was to have his friends party on the 2nd and family over for dinner on the 3rd. We had to change plans as we had my father-in-law's celebration of life on the 3rd. There was no way we would emotionally be able to handle all that in one weekend. The third needed to be about closure for my husband, and my children. So with a quick change of plans family came for dinner on the 2nd and friends came yesterday! My husband was away for work last week so I was single parenting it. I spent my Friday off running around getting everything together for the party and then running kids to after school programs. Waiting until they were asleep to clean, because we all know cleaning with kids is like sweeping times square on new years eve!
Yesterday M had 4 friends over for a play date birthday party. They were a fun group of kids. M picked out all the games, decorating was left up to him. It was so child directed and stress free! I'll post about this another day.
Anyways I'm rambling! Happy Sunday. Hopefully yours was better than mine ;)