Thursday, December 31, 2015

That's a Wrap!

I swear I blinked January 1 and now it's December 31. The truest statement known to man is the days take forever but the years fly by. It's hard to believe we're all going to wake up tomorrow and realize we don't have a new calendar ;) But for real....I don't have my new calendar yet.

Something I always find entertaining about the new year celebration is we all start out the year deciding to change who we are. We're going to get our finances in order by creating the perfect balanced budget, we're going to have an immaculate BH&G worthy home, and you ain't seen fit until you've seen us in the new year. We set ourselves up for failure. Then we end up hating ourselves by mid January because we've failed at everything. Next thing you know we're drowning our sorrows in a tub of ice cream while we online shop for pretty things that make us happy.

That's why this year, I've decided that I'm just going to keep on being a big old cluster eff of awesome. No need to change anything here. My house will still be an organized disaster, I'll still be overweight, and my savings account will still be humble.

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