Friday, January 6, 2017

A sweet moment

I know I have been absent know...ever. But I'm pretty sure my non existent readers don't mind. I needed to post this some where so it wouldn't be list in my mind like everything else in my life seems to be. So tonight as a family we were watching a hockey game on TV (ugh my least favorite sport, but there was nothing on). The hublet fell asleep on the couchm B was exhausted after a busy day of tubing yesterday. They both went to bed fairly early so it was just M and I. He came over and snuggled up to me on my chair. The conversations were the same as every day, mainly farting and telling him that he doesn't need to talk about his penis all the time (it's true. This is my life people! Farts and penis erry day) so the conversation wasn't profound or anything like that. But it was the moment. He was so gentle, kind and sweet. We talked about getting a new bed so we could have bigger snuggles, he told me he was sorry for snapping at me all day, legit snapping like to get my attention. It drove me crazy. He even stood up and walked away so he didn't cart on me. I wanted to bottle the feeling we both had at that time. I wanted to freeze the moment so we could stay in that splendor for ever. But the time came for me to tuck him in and say good night. Hopefully some seeds were planted for a positive day tomorrow.

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